Adam. R

5 BEST VSCode Extensions for CSS Developers!

Created March 31, 2022


Let me continue the series of the best VSCode Extensions for [programming language]. You know how it goes, so let me start the listing! This will also include SCSS because it is a type of CSS. Since I did TypeScript with JavaScript, its only fair for CSS and SCSS.


1. CSS Peek

As its name suggests, this extension lets you jump to the CSS code using classes and IDs. This extension extends HTML and ejs code editing with Go To Definition and Go To Symbol in Workspace support for CSS/SCS/LESS (classes and IDs) found in strings within the source code.

Link: CSS Peek

2. Tailwind CSS IntelliSense

If you are a TailWind CSS lover (which I know who of course), the this is an extension you NEED! Tailwind CSS IntelliSense enhances the Tailwind development experience by providing Visual Studio Code users with advanced features such as autocomplete, syntax highlighting, and linting.

Link: Tailwind CSS IntelliSense

3. CSS Compressor

You do need an npm library called clean-css made by jakubpawlowicz. This extension does what it does in the name, it makes your large css file into compressed making it easier to read and shorter but without changing the website and design.

Link: CSS Compressor

4. SCSS Formatter

SCSS Formatter uses Prettier under the hood to format files. Though Prettier supports formatting various file types. This extension focuses only on SCSS. Additionally it supports CSS. This helps format your SCSS code to make it easier for you.

Link: SCSS Formatter

5. CSS Navigation

This extension allows Go to Definition from HTML to CSS / SASS / Less, provides Completion and Workspace Symbols for class & id name, and supports Find References from CSS to HTML.

Link: CSS Navigation


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